
Hedge Wattle

Acacia Paradoxa, (Hedge Wattle, Prickly Wattle, Kangaroo Thorn)

Something's Coming..

It makes me a little cross when I hear people say, "Isn't it a dreadful day!" Sometimes this is said when it is cold and wet. Sometime this is said when it is hot, when it is windy, humid, dry, foggy or anything other than a mild spring day.

My father-in-law used to start a conversation with the words, "It's a great day!" Such a lovely expression.

Ants on Black Wattle

Acacia Ring-In ??
It was a great day yesterday in Kilmore, a real Irish day, with water dripping from the air and from the trees. The air was still and crisply cool and there was plenty of mud under my feet. Already there was a scent of wattle blossom in the air. I had to look hard to find a few early blooms. Even then I could not identify what it was. I think it was a ring-in from a tree planting day a few years ago.

Blackwood Wattle with caterpillar & psyllid

But there were many trees full of buds, ready to burst open. 

Acacia Pycnantha, Golden Wattle (?)
One of the great pleasure of the bush, and of gardens, is the promise of things to come. On the bleakest of days, there are always signs of growth, flowering, fruiting, seeding and germinating. The wattles are almost ready.

It is only the second week of July, but such a promise of Spring. What a great day!

Blackwood Wattle last season's seeds ready to drop.

"Hey it’s July and the winter sun is shining
And the Cootamundra wattle is my friend
For all at once my childhood never left me
‘Cause wattle blossoms bring it back again" 
(John Williamson)

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