
Scarlet Robins

SCARLET ROBINS  Petroica milticolour

Kilmore is in lock-down due to the Corona virus, as are all other parts of the world. We are allowed out of our houses only for a)  work, b) shopping, c) exercise, and d) medical appointments.  






There is much debate  regarding definitions of exercise, work and shopping. I think I am able to walk in my neighbourhood as long as I am walking alone or with just one other.  





Therefore I can walk in the bush adjacent to my house with my camera on my back. The walk is for exercise and the camera for whatever I see on my journey.

There were a number of Scarlet Robins about today.  They seem to favour the hill tops, with taller trees an less undergrowth than the flatter areas covered with wattles and cassinia scrub. 


There are a number of other robin varieties in the area, today, just the Scarlet Robins.

They vary in colour from brilliant, brilliant scarlet to a much milder, almost orange-red. It is the males which stand out so well. The females, whilst having a pink to red chest are much duller in colour. However they are quite beautiful, with brown, black, white  and pale red markings.



The birds do not seem concerned about corona virus.  They only worry about bird flu.


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