
Satin Flycatcher

SATIN FLYCATCHER (Myiagra cyanoleuca)

I was sitting on the banks of Dry Creek, which does have some water in it this year, just up from the ford on Jefffrey's Lane, when I thought I was watching a kingfisher sitting on a branch.

On a  closer look I think this might be a Satin Flycatcher. The Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula, is very similar, but it is slightly lighter in colour. I have not seen either of these before so it was a nice surprise.

This is a male, the females are ireys with a buff to orange chest.

He did not stay around for too long, just long enough for a quick photograph.

The name comes from that of a Greek hero by the name of Myiagra, the Flycatcher. Wikipedia tells me about cyanoleuca,  "Its name is derived from the Ancient Greek κύανος, transliterated kyanos, meaning "dark blue, dark blue enamel, lapis lazuli". 

I will sit on the creek again soon and watch to see if he is still about.


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