
Sparrow House

HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus


Such common little birds. We see them so often it is easy to not to pay them any attention.

















Introduced to Australia in the 1860s, they are now abundant pest through most parts of the country. Unfortunately they displace our native birds from  nest sites. As well, they use our houses, sheds and farm building for their nests often leaving a mess of twigs and leaves which harbour mice and insects  


Many of us have been woken by the incessant scratching and chirrupping of sparrows nesting under the roofs above our bedrooms. 


Whilst knowing that they are ubiquitous pests, they are bright and cheerful little birds, well worth watching  and contemplating. Common maybe, but they are certainly a big part of our avian birdscape. 


As I see them fluttering around the old railway station building at Kilmore East, I am always reminded of the verse from Matthew's Gospel Bible, 'Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care'. 



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