
Grey Fantail

GREY FANTAIL Rhipidura fuliginosa

On those grey days when many birds seem to be sitting quietly, not showing themselves, I can always find a fantail or two to watch.  Perhaps I should rephrase that statement a little. On grey days when many birds seem to be sitting quietly, the grey fantails will always be about looking to find an audience for their aerial antics.

They will flitter around before alighting on a branch to have a good look at what is going on. They will then  'show off' their aerobic skills,  twisting  and turning after insects around the tops of shrubs and trees. Returning to a twig they will chatter away, telling the watcher just how well they have performed. It is almost as though they are happy to have an audience to watch what they do.

They may be common little birds but are certainly one of the best known of the birds of the bush and in our gardens.

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