
Wattle Birds

RED WATTLEBIRDS   Antohocaera carunculata


We wake each morning, just as the light appears, to the sound of wattlebirds, cheeook, cheeooking outside our bedroom windows. I think it is a beautiful sound, my daughter thinks otherswise.

"They wake me every morning and I can't get back to sleep."

Wattlebirds are one of the most common birds in our area; magpies, crows, currawongs and wattlebirds.

Bossy as they are, they are bright visitors to the gardens of our street, individually and in small groups. The other morning I saw a large group of more than twenty wattlebirds sitting in a tree,seeming to be just enjoying  the enjoy the morning sun.

On Sunday, the sun was trying to peep through the overcast sky, each beam of sunlight brilliantly lighting up the red hot pokers in my neighbour's garden. And the birds were there to admire and to feed off their red, orange and yellow heads.



Superb fairy-wren


A dull grey day yesterday was brightened by the blue wrens feeding amongst the furze bushes along the creek at the end of Moore's Lane. The male was in fulliridescent colours, showing off to a harem of females.