
Buff-rumped Thornbill


I visited a new area last week, the Green's Pinch Reserve, just to the north of Kilmore.

This is an area of pasture and wooded clumps in behind the houses behind Branigan Drive. At the end of this road is track leading into the Green's Pinch Reserve. It is a reserve, known only to the people living in the area and contains gullies and hills which give sweeping 360 degree views of the Kilmore area.

Plenty of kangaroos and some birdlife to be seen.

On an early morning visit last week, these thornbills were feeding and playing amongst the low undergrowth. They were quite unafraid and it was easy to get in close for a good look

There are numbers of thornbills around Kilmore, these are the Buff-rumped Thornbills. Little puffballs with yellow chests, bellies and rumps. They have plain brown upper bodies and  the freckled faces of many of the other thornbills.

On this day there was a group of fifteen to twenty birds feeding amongst the small wattle trees and on the ground amongst grassy patches.

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