
Australian Pipit

AUSTRALIAN (RICHARD'S) PIPIT (Anthus novaeseelandiae 0r Anthus australis)

It was a beautiful summer day today. There has been much heavy rain over the last few weeks and there is plenty of green grass around. A late start to summer is always welcome. Dams are full and the fire season is yet to start.

I sat in a grassy hollow for an hour or two, watching these birds cavorting. I can only assume, they birds are still mating and nesting. There was a lot of action and much calling from one bird to the next.

There were a number of birds about, individuals and pairs. All seemed vert busy. The pairs would browse together on the ground before flying vigorously into the air. Up they would go, dropping before flying up again with much calling as they did so. Then off they would then fly to another clump of grass.

I believe they are Australian Pipits. Several had stripped chests rather than the creamy colour my books show, more like the Little Grassbird than the Pipits. Several I could see were quite tall and thin, larger than the Grassbirds. I think they are Pippits.

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