

SACRED KINGFISHER Todiramphus sanctus

 I saw several kingfishers this morning in the Goldie Nature Reserve towards Lancefield.

 It is a very dry area of land, thickly timbered with plenty of fallen trees, dry branches and brittle grass. There are a few birds in the area, the trees are probably a little dense for a larger variety.

I was surprised to see several of these kingfishers, because the area is very dry, no creeks or waterways nearby. Each of he birds would sit on a branch before dropping down to pick something to eat from amongst the twigs and sticks. I could not see what they were gathering but I did see a number of small lizards amongst the litter.

The birds were bigger than ones I have seen around the Kilmore Hospital Reservoir and with different markings. I think those smaller ones were Forest Kingfishers. These larger birds today I think are the Sacred Kingfisher.



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