

Buff rumpedThornbills Acanthiza reguloides


Sometimes the little birds of our areas are overlooked in favour of their bigger, showier cousins.

I like little brown birds and there are many of them on the Monument Hill.

These are thornbills, Brownrumped Thornbills. They are amongst the smallest of our species, tiny cheeky balls of fluff.

They are easily found on the lower slopes of the hill, in and about the cassinia scrub. After several wet years there is a lot of cassinia so there is plenty for the small birds to forage amongst.

These are very curious birds. A person  has only to suck air in through one's lips for a moment or two, and the families of thornbills will come looking to see what is going on.


They can be found, hunting amongst the foliage of small trees and shrubs for small insects making much noise as they go, Up and down from scub to the ground, under logs and amongst the grasses and moss, all the while calling to each other..

Lovely things, little brown birds.


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