
Little Corella


During the summer months there are always huge numbers of corellas  roosting in the trees round the Kilmore Hospital Resrvoir.

In the evenings and early mornings, they are very vocal,  their squaking and whistling, so loud and piercing, can be very hard on the ears of neighbours. Visitors who do not know of corellas are amazed, at times startled
at the noise of these flocks.

From the trees, the birds will alight to the nearby golf course, scratching and digging for the small grass bulbs in the fairways.

More troublesome, are the masses that settle on the greens. They make an awful mess, tearing away large patches of grass. It is a tedious and time consuming job to repair
the damage left behind.

The local golf club has permission to shoot blank cartridges to scare  the birds off the greens and fairways.We often awake early in the morning to the sounds of shooting. It is also a common soundtrack, just before dark on warm evenings.

The shooting does work; for a while!

When aroused to flight, the birds simply move around to  the newly laid turf at the Kilmore race-course. After a week or two, they are moved on from there . and return, of course to the golf course.

I am sure it is all a game for the corellas.

Beautiful birds they are. And I am sure they do have a sense of fun.

These birds pictured, were enjoying a windy morning, perched high on exposed branches, every now and then swooping away with the wind with a raucous cry.

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