
More Corellas


We all know the sounds of the corellas in flight, wheeling across the sky, as they settle into trees on summer evenings.

Their calls to each other are the sounds of the Australian creeks and riversides.

The Kilmore Hospital Reservoir, once the Kilmore swimming pool, is a favourite gathering place for the corellas. There is water, there are tall trees for roosting and a golf course with long green fairways for digging and scratching.

As big a nuisance as they are, these highly social birds are beautiful. Just like a playground full of children at lunch time, they play, shout and race about, all for sheer pleasure of it.

Even within the large swirling numbers, it is possible to see the pairs. They fly in unison, wing beat for wing beat, before twist and turn to land amongst the topmost branches, spreading blossom like colours to the naked branches. 

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